
Friday, 30 September 2011

Reminder re Information Evening on WW1 Trip to the Trenches - 3rd Oct. 7pm

As a follow up to the meeting, please see attached links...

The History and English depts are planning a fantastic 3 day trip to Ypres, Passchendaele and the Somme to bring to life the schemes of work on the First World War which pupils are studying at KS3, for GCSE and for A'level.

We have run this trip before and it is always really exciting to see the students' reactions to the reality of what they have been studying and for them to appreciate the phenominal scale of the action and loss.

The trip is supported by the exam boards as part of the programes of study for History and English at GCSE and A'level and we hope to take all the GCSE historians and A'level literature students as well as any other pupils from years 9-13.

We know that all will all benefit from the experience of standing in cemetaries and shell holes reading memoires, plays and poems resonating through the decades from voices whose lives were forever changed by Politics and who have so become part of our History.

On October 3rd - Monday - at 7pm we are running a presentation to go through the trip logistics and itinerary and it is important that as many people as possible attend this.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Trip to Stratford Upon Avon

A reminder for pupils and parents. On Thursday 29th September Mrs Walker, Mrs Heather, Mrs Marsden and Mr Johnson are taking Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 6th form pupils to Stratford Upon Avon to see A Misummer Night's Dream. We are leaving school at 10.30am, travelling by coach to see a 1.15pm performance. We will arrive back at school at 5.30/5.45pm depeding on traffic. 

Resources for World War 1 - useful links....enjoy!

As we are progressing with our studies across all periods of literature, a number of schemes of work from yr 9-13 include aspects of WW1.

Certainly AS/A2 literature pupils will find the below links useful, and as we approach November, these sites are timely reminders for us all.....

We are organising a trip to Ypres and the Somme for February for years 9-13 and a pre-meeting will take place on this on 3rd Oct at 7pm.

Year 12 and 13 are off to the theatre to see Journey's End this afternoon - so watch this space for comments!


Owen - He stumbles, guttering, choking - Dulce et...
Spring Offensive -

Diary of an Unknown Soldier -

Pope -
Hardy -

Haig's donkeys -


Sassoon - I fell into the bottomless mud. So I lost the light -

Sassoon - Rememberance -

Regeneration - Owen and Sassoon meet at Craiglockhart


footage at Passchendeale

Rosenberg - Break of Day in the Trenches

Rupert Brooke - the soldier

Alan Seegar - I have a rendezvous with death

John McRae - In Flanders Fields

Journey's End


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Welcome to WIS

Hello WISKIDS and parents,

Welcome back to the new and exciting beginnings of
The Webber Independent School.

We in the English department hope you had a fantastic summer break and are ready for all the fun awaiting you in English and Drama this term.

Our new department consists of the following members of staff:

Mrs. B. Hunt - Head of Department/KS3, 4 and 5 English
Ms. S. Anacootee - KS3 and 4 English
Mrs. M. Walker - KS3 English
Mrs. H. Heather - KS3 and 4 Drama
This new interactive blog will give you updates and tips on English and Drama teaching and recommend hot websites and links to improve your learning skills.

Please feel free to post appropriate comments that others in school will find useful.

We hope you enjoy your English and Drama studies this term and are looking forward to
Achieving Excellence Together....