
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

mocks - oh joy!

There will be mocks in January for year 11.
These will take the form of:

1.       English lit paper 1hr 30 – OM&M & Inspector Calls – open book

2.       Engl lit 2  -1 hr 15  - Poetry – open book – anthologies

3.       Eng lang – 2hrs

I recommend purchase of revision guides from CGP:

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Controlled Assessment - Macbeth - yr 10

Macbeth CA task is well underway for all pupils.
Please do not fret if you miss a session as pupils will be provided with catch up time.  Any pupils not making the grade will be given another opportunity to sit this text.

Moving on...there will be a comparative task with Macbeth and Jekyll & Hyde next on the agenda.
We expect to use the last 2 weeks before Christmas to complete the texts and prepare pupils for the CA task, which they can develop over the holidays in preparation for taking the task in January.  Dates to be finalised for this soon. 

Please keep abreast of h/w and CA tasks on

Oh What A Lovely War!

The production of Oh What A lovely War  at Stantonbury Theatre last week was a great piece of theatre.

The Joan Littlewood creation of satirical musical was as hard hitting now as it would have been in the 60s when it was first produced, especially as it utilised images of war that are current as well as historic and this enabled the pupils to make the connections - political, historical, economic and social across all periods - that of the human cost of war.

The production where all parts (innumerable) were played by 5 extremely talented minstrels took us through the political landscape of developing and dwindling European powers from 1880s to the terrorist attack causing the death of the Archduke and his 'Fat Sofie' that catapulted the alliances into full scale slaughter...

The details of the War years and the political shananigans were played in song and sketch, contrasting enormously with the trench play of Journey's End we saw before half term and made a neat comparison with Blackadder goes Forth which we have also studied.

The pupils could not avoid the connections the production made with our current political landscape...

We look forward to the London lectures we are attending on Wilfred Owen later this month.

AS/A2 trips coming up in November

Date Reminder for year 12 and 13 pupils:
  1. A2 - Lear and Oedipus - Stratford - Tues 22nd - leaving school by car at 9am; return by 6.30 - bring lunch money
  2. A2 Love Lit - Love through the Ages - London - Thurs 24th - meet at school 9.15am or CMK station at 9.30; return by 5.30 CMK pick up- bring train and lunch money
  3. AS War Poetry - Wilfred Owen and voices of WW1 - London - meet at school 9.15am or CMK station at 9.30; return by 5.30 CMK pick up- Tues 29th - bring train and lunch money